Business Associates are permitted to discuss and promote their business on social media platforms such as blogs, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Google + etc. The following is the Company’s policy and guidelines on such representation. The absence of, or lack of explicit reference to a specific site, does not limit the extent of the application of this policy. Where no policy or guideline exists, Business Associates should use their professional judgment and take the most prudent action possible.    


1. Personal blogs, websites and social media profiles should have clear disclaimers that the views expressed by the author are the author’s alone and do not represent the views of the Company. 


Eg – “The opinions and positions expressed are my own and don’t necessarily reflect those of Global Lifestyle Lanka pvt Ltd.”      


2. You must represent yourself accurately and clearly state your relationship with the Company as a Business Associate. No other claims may be made as employee, agent or otherwise.    


3. You may not use the Company’s trademarks or brands in any username or handle in any social media platform. These include but are not limited to Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin.    


4. Information published on your blogs, websites and social media profiles should comply and adhere with the Global Lifestyle Lanka pvt Ltd’s Policies & Procedures. (See clause 11.03, 11.04 and 11.05 of the Policies & Procedures). This also applies to comments posted on other blogs, forums, and social networking sites.    


5. By identifying yourself as a Business Associate, you identify yourself with the brand image and the values of the Company. As such, your online activity can affect others’ perceptions of the Company, its products and services. It is therefore important to be aware that your actions captured via images, posts, or comments can reflect that of the Company. The following guidelines must be adhered to for posting any content online:     

    • You must use only text found on the Company’s official website    

    • You may not supplement the content of your website or social networking profile with text from any source other than the Company.    

    • All content must be spell-checked.    

    • All misleading or deceptive activities, information and tactics are prohibited.    

    • Respect copyright laws, and reference or cite sources appropriately.    

    • No abusive language is permitted.    

    • No personal attacks are permitted.


6. Business Associates must always disclose their relationship or identify themselves as a Global Lifestyle Lanka pvt Ltd when making any comment in regard to GLL and/or its products.


7. Business Associates who provide testimonials online must be truthful and subject to typical results. 

Eg 1: “Insta White system lightened my skin complexion within just 3 days” While that may be an honest opinion, it is not a typical result, and therefore, any such opinion posted online would be in violation of the current guidelines, unless there is valid research to support the claim. 

Eg 2. “I made 567,000.00 in one month with Global Lifestyle, and you can too.” While this statement may be true, the result is not “typical”. Such statements would be in violation of the current guidelines. Whenever discussing earnings, you should refer to clause 11.02 of the Policies & Procedures for guidance on this subject matter.

8. For paid Internet advertising such as Facebook ads, the Company’s logo or trademark may not be used. All links must be directed to the BA’s Personal Website and not the Company’s official site    


9. If you have a complaint with the Company, contact the Company for resolution through any of its official social media channels available at www.globallifestyle.lk or the TriLingual GLL  Customer Support Group (CSG) Call centre. Do not use other social media to express your grievances publicly as the Company will have no way of addressing your grievance; Many of the people who read your grievance won’t know when it is resolved, so they will be left with bad unresolved feelings that may never be corrected.